Narodni dom Maribor originally produced the show ‘Godalni otoki’ on September 10th, 2022. They celebrated their 30th anniversary in the main city square with seven stages (Islands) with groups of violinists around the main stage with a DJ and a band. The layout of the islands allowed the audience enjoying the violin sound also directly “from the wood”. The audience walks between musicians. Each person creates a unique surround sound for him or herself. Everyone actively takes their part in the show.
Some recorded moments:
Premiere of the indoor production saw the light of the disco ball in Kino Šiška on October 14th, 2023. Fewer islands, more music and the same sound surround the interaction.
The music is mainly disco music from ’70 – mega hits and alternative numbers. Music is spiced with live jazz improvisation, classical music and traditional violin sounds of European regions. The show allows the integration of local artists and local sounds in each performance. Violin sections were essential in the Disco music of ‘70 music. The best classical violinists were required to perform at a high technical level.
The show offers a deeper reflection on the interaction between a solid global structure and the freedom of creative individual voices.
Godalni otoki, premiera v koprodukciji z Narodni dom Maribor.